Archived entries for openssh

SSH bouncing update – getting rid of Killed by signal 1

If you read my article on ssh bouncing, you surely use it.

One annoying thing is “Killed by signal 1” when exiting the bounced session.

dolfi:~ simon$ ssh supercoolserver
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
Killed by signal 1.

So the solution is to change the ~/.ssh/config file and add the “2>/dev/null” to the very end of the ProxyCommand line.

Host hostalias
User root
ProxyCommand ssh bouncer.server -p 2222 'nc destination.server 2222' 2>/dev/null

Found the solution here. Thanks to merdely.


openssh as SOCKS proxy

Tokrat ne bom pametoval ampak vas usmeril na dober opis openssh-jeve SOCKS funkcionalnosti.

Hvala, Miha ! 🙂

OpenSSH Socks proxy | secure browsing

ssh bouncing


danes mi je bilo dovolj skakanja po serverjih, da dosežem server, ki je za tem serverjem. Po malo raziskovanja je tukaj način, kako “bouncnat” na strežnik preko drugega strežnika. spet ~/.ssh/config:

Host secret
ProxyCommand ssh 'nc 22'

in potem samo “ssh secret”. Seveda pa imate postavljenega ssh agent, tako da proces steče brez vpisovanja gesla.

Na bounce serverju mora biti instaliran netcat.

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